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Gemini Station is a free, space-based browser game.  Pilots can choose to focus on trading, exploreation, espinoage, or combat as they acquire wealth, upgrade their ships, discover new locations, and uncover the source of the mysterious energy readings that have started appearing around the system.

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You can play anytime online from any device. There’s no software to download, you just log in and keep playing. Gem is also a casual game, requiring no major commitment and was designed specifically to be fun without requiring a large investment of time.

You can play Gem however you want. As a sandbox-type game, you can be successful whatever your play style. You can focus exclusively on trade, combat, hacking, or salvaging and or any combination and be hugely successful.

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Gemini Station was constructed in 2709 to serve as central trade hub within the solar system. 
With trade between Earth and the Mars colony finally normalizing following a bloody civil war, both locations wanted a neutral central location from which to conduct trade.

Shortly after the station’s completion, the Terran and Martian trade routes to Gem expanded to include Jupiter’s gas harvesting industry, Mercury’s solar farms, as well as the ice mines on distant Eris.

While Earth and Mars might not be at war anymore, they still hate each other. Mars doesn’t take kindly to pilots assisting Earth ships and vice versa. The Terrans are convinced Mars will attack them again, so they spend all available research and development into defensive ship mods. Mars, on the other hand continues to further their offensive mod research.

But when mysterious energy readings begin to appear throughout the system. Every faction must put aside their differences and work together to discover the source of this new threat.